Education Specific Services
- Developing leaders in education
- An educationalist’s guide to business development
- Improving teaching and learning and teacher development
- Development Entrepreneurship in Education
- Curriculum Development and Qualification frameworks
- Career advice and guidance
- Developing E-Learning and Blended Learning
- Learner support, developing a holistic approach
- Working with Hard to Reach Groups, Women in Education
Services to business
- Developing your business – using a personalised approach to analyse your needs
- Funding searches
- Access to grants and funding – bid writing services
- Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement – raising standards
- Strategy and policy setting
- Training and Development
- Coaching, Mentoring & Leadership
- Managing Conflict, Managing Change and Creating an Innovative Culture
- Team building
- Soft Skills Development, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
- Marketing and Business Development
- Performance management and staff appraisal
- Understanding and Working with Cultural Diversity